Why it matters who you sit next to at work [INFOGRAPHIC]

By 15th November 2017 July 20th, 2020 Employee Wellbeing
Why it matters who you sit next to at work [INFOGRAPHIC]

The seating arrangement of your office may not seem like a big deal, but who you’re sitting next to really does make a difference. Take a look at this infographic to find out why.

A report done by Deloitte on global human resource trends showed that employee retention continues to be one of the top challenges companies face around the world. But companies are missing key contributors to employee happiness. For instance, something that seems small, like who people sit next to, is actually a major contributor in the workspace environment.

How people communicate and the way personalities mix can mean the difference between a productive environment and conflict filled one, and putting clashing personalities next to each other in an office environment is a recipe for an unproductive workspace.  

So we created this infographic to show you the reasons why it’s important who your employees sit next to:

Research from Cornerstone OnDemand and Harvard Business School shows that rearranging desks in your office can create a more efficient environment. A great space planner will analyse the dynamics of your departments and can create a workspace layout that compliments each individual.  

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Derek Stedman

Author Derek Stedman

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