No matter how small your business is, moving office spaces is a big task. Follow these seven things to do for your company’s next office space move for a timely and efficient moving process.
All office moves need a great deal of careful planning for before and during the moving process. It takes a lot of time and effort from various stakeholders within your business, but it is worthwhile as it can have a positive transformative effect on your business as a whole.
Things take time
All good things take time and so does moving your business to a different office space! The length of the time period is dependent on the amount of work required to get the new premises ready for occupation. A carefully detailed time plan is what you need to ensure that everything is done correctly and the move is completed on schedule – and this should include the design and installation lead times. The manufacturing of new furniture or the refurbishment of old furniture should also be taken into consideration when deciding on how long the entire moving process should take your business.
The right time of the year
In South Africa, the best time of the year to do the actual moving process is any time from February to the end of November. This is because many suppliers usually wrap up their books at the end of October and of course, many building and installation companies are closed for the holidays from mid-December until mid-January, but keep in mind that each country has their own holidays and apply this thinking to those dates. It would be a good idea to perhaps start the planning before the end of the close of business for the end of the year so you will be able to have an efficient and strategic moving plan for the new year.
Not sure if your business is ready for some change? Use our checklist to see if it is time for an office redesign.
Skip the 11th hour
It can be easy to think that moving your business to a different space is just moving your inventory, furniture, equipment and so on to the new premises, but the overall design has a great impact on how your business will function in this new space. Many companies leave it to the last minute to appoint a design company, which creates unnecessary stress and panic, and can result in the move date not being met.
It’s important to ensure not only have you appointed a design company in time but that there is also a budget in place for this part of the moving process. If it isn’t, it can lead to a scramble to design something that’s not necessarily what fits your brand or something that is completely out the company budget which could result in a complete redesign.
The dream team
Having a structured moving team with a move project leader is what is going to make this process a smooth ride. The move team should include all the key decision makers from the company. These decision makers should be readily available for every step of the moving journey to make sure that there a very few delays. Regular planning meetings should be held as well as status meeting with top management and other staff to ensure that everyone is aware of how the process is going.
Don’t leave anything behind
It goes without saying that you shouldn’t leave behind any necessary equipment or furniture. You need to find a trusted and professional removal company to help with all the heavy lifting. What’s also important is ensuring that any waste produced from the moving process is correctly removed. This could be old computer screens or printers the company won’t be using or just old documents that are no longer needed, even for archiving purposes. It would be a good idea for the move team to be able to set up donating old equipment such as printers, chairs or laptops.
Who sits where?
It’s important to ensure that in your moving plan that the new seating arrangement has been well-thought through. The new seating arrangement must take into account the workflow and communication lines of your company. It’s also important that this space will allow for the possible expansion of your business, and having room in the correct departments for new employees. Check out our infographic on why it matters who you sit next to at work to help you make the right decision with your new seating arrangement.
Spread the word on your big change
Inform not only your clients and potential clients of your new address but also your suppliers. All suppliers from stationary to external maintenance service providers you have used at your old premises should be informed at least a month ahead before the big moving day.
Whether your business is big or small, moving your business can seem daunting but it all comes down to careful and well-thought through planning with an enormous amount of teamwork.
If you’re ready to move your business get in touch with us today and we’ll help you design the perfect space for your needs.
Or download our insightful guide to making your office space design the best for your business might just be what you need for your next big move or your new refreshing renovations.