Derek StedmanOffice Design Tips How to choose the right design company for your office space [INFOGRAPHIC] You’re ready to redesign your office space but you’re not sure what to look for…Derek Stedman12th February 2020
Derek StedmanOffice Design Tips Top tips for designing an office space on a budget [INFOGRAPHIC] There's no need to spend a fortune to make your company's space impressive to visitors…Derek Stedman15th January 2020
Derek StedmanOffice furniture CapEx vs OpEx – the differences explained when budgeting for new furniture Whether you’re moving into a new office space, or renovating an existing one, it can…Derek Stedman18th September 2019
Derek StedmanOffice furniture Why renting your office furniture long-term makes perfect sense Quality and aesthetically-pleasing furniture does not come cheap but it’s not something to skimp on,…Derek Stedman6th September 2019
Derek StedmanOffice Design Tips Office design tips: How to choose the right office chair [Part 4] Finding the right office chair is not only about its appearance. Improve the productivity of…time&space team10th April 2019